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Fun Quiz Night

Event Date:
Fri 4th April 2025
Start Time:
Chalgrove Village Hall, Baronshurst Drive

A Friday Night Fun Quiz!

Friday 4th April.

It's a special year for the Chalgrove Horticultural Show celebrating its 60th Anniversary.

But we need to raise some funds to keep the Show going, so come along to the

Chalgrove Village Hall;  doors open 7.00 p.m. and quiz begins 7.30 p.m.

There will be a bar, and feel free to bring your own nibbles and snacks.

Entry is £3 per person, payable at the door, and we welcome teams of up to 8 members.   If you do not have your own team - contact us anyway, and we will try and find a table for you to join.

For more information, see the Link magazine, or contact us on Facebook via the ChalgrovehorticulturalShow page, or via email to

or phone Judith Marsh, 07778 848268



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