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The name of the Group is Chalgrove Wildlife & Conservation Society ('CWaCS')


The aims of the Chalgrove Wildlife & Conservation Society are:

2.1 To raise awareness of the local environment and wildlife and to promote an understanding of conservation issues

2.2 To encourage local residents, and in particular the children, to take part in activities and projects which enhance and protect the wildlife and environment within Chalgrove both now and for the future

2.3 To produce a comprehensive record of the wildlife and local environment within a Chalgrove Parish Conservation Plan ('PCP')

2.4 To create a nature reserve within Chalgrove which may be shared by the whole community as a place of enjoyment, solitude, and education

2.5 To help protect and to promote endangered wildlife species

2.6 To optimise the potential for wildlife within the area

2.7 To undertake or commission wildlife surveys as appropriate

2.8 To continually enhance the aesthetics of the village

2.9 To improve access to the countryside and encourage it's use.


3.1 Membership of CWaCS is open primarily to all local residents and to others who are supportive of the aims

3.2 CWaCS believe in equal opportunity of membership and involvement in the society and will not discriminate between members and applicants for membership because of their gender, age, ethnic origin, colour, sexual orientation, nationality, place of residence, personal beliefs, religion, political affiliation, disability, or mental health

3.3 A Management Committee will be formed to plan, monitor, and evaluate the activities of the Society

3.4 The Management Committee shall have the right to terminate the membership of any individual who, by actions words or otherwise, undermines, or seeks to undermine, the objectives of the Society

3.5 Any person shall receive membership of the Group upon being accepted by, and giving their name and address to, any member of the committee

3.6 The Management Committee may set annual membership fees in accordance with the needs of the Society


4.1 The Management Committee shall consist of:

4.1.1 Officers - Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraiser

4.1.2 Up to 6 other members of CWaCS

4.2 The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to fill vacancies as required

4.3 The Management Committee is elected at the biannual General Meeting ('GM')

4.4 The Chair and Officers of the Management Committee are elected by the Management Committee at its first meeting after the GM

4.5 Four Members of the Management Committee must be present at any meeting for it to be quorate, of whom at least two must be Officers

4.6 The Committee shall decide when and where it will meet, with a minimum of six meetings per year, with adequate notice given to all committee members, and a record of meetings and decisions shall be kept

4.7 Voting. All questions arising at any meeting, with the exception of those affecting alterations to the Constitution, shall be decided by a majority of members present and voting at such a meeting (subject to 4.5 above)

4.8 No member shall exercise more than one vote except that in the case of an equality of votes the Chair shall have a second or casting vote

4.9 The Management Committee has the power to appoint sub committees to manage sub projects as appropriate


5.1 A General Meeting ('GM') shall be held biannually (minimum), and no more than 25 months may elapse between GMs

5.2 Twenty one (21) days notice shall be given to all members, this notice may be given by email, by notice in an appropriate local newspaper and by posters in appropriate locations. Postal notification to each individual member is not required

5.3 Other extraordinary general meetings ('EGM's') may be called as required either by decision of the Management Committee or if requested by 15 individual members or more

5.4 At the GM the following business will be conducted:

5.4.1 Report from the Management Committee on the work and achievements of the Society

5.4.2 Election of the Management Committee

5.4.3 Report on the finances of the Group, and receipt and approval of the accounts

5.4.4 Appointments of Auditors or external validator if appropriate


6.1 The Treasurer will keep proper account of all monies, and will report to the Management Committee at each meeting

6.2 All bank accounts opened on behalf of the Group will be in the name of the Society and will require two signatures for any transaction. Three approved signatories will be arranged from members of the Management Committee, of whom at least two shall be Officers

6.3 The biannual statement of accounts to the GM will be externally approved by an accountant prior to submission to the GM.

6.4 The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st

6.5 All monies received by or on behalf of the Society shall be applied in furtherance of the Aims and Objectives of the Society and for no other purpose


8.1 This constitution may be rescinded or amended at any General Meeting by a two thirds majority of those present, provided that a copy of the proposed alteration has been made available to all members and that 21 days notice has been given


9.1 If the Management Committee by majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the Society.

9.2 Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other organisation having aims similar to the aims of CWaCS as the Committee may decide and subject to the approval of any funding bodies.

Constitution adopted by membership at a special General Meeting on: ####

Chalgrove Wildlife and Conservation Society

Founded 2nd September 2010
Constituted ####

Chair: Jacky Nabb
Fundraiser: Jim Robinson and Cathy Earle